Anita Jones - Heart & Soul Counselling

Online Integrative Counselling in King’s Lynn

Nurturing Hearts and Souls: My Counselling Approach

"The wound is the place where the Light enters you." – Rumi

Welcome to the heart of my practice. Here, I'd like to walk you through how we can work together to support your journey of healing and growth.

A vibrant flower in bloom, symbolizing growth and transformation, associated with Anita Jones' practice in King’s Lynn.
A resilient flower emerging from a crack in the ground, symbolizing strength and healing with Anita Jones' counselling services in King’s Lynn.

Initial Consultation

Your first step is simple - reach out to me. Once you do, I'll guide you through the process. I'll send you an online working agreement to review and a questionnaire to fill out, helping me understand your background and the issues you'd like to address.

After you return these, I'll respond within 48 hours to discuss if we might be a good fit. If it seems we are, I'll invite you for a free 30-minute online chat. This is our chance to get to know each other and start the contracting process. This initial consultation is all about ensuring you feel comfortable and confident in our potential work together.

How I Work

My approach is flexible and tailored to your needs. I offer three main ways of connecting: online webcam sessions for face-to-face interactions from the comfort of your chosen space; instant messaging for those who prefer writing or need more flexibility; and email counselling, allowing for deeper reflection and response at your own pace. Each method has its unique benefits, and we can discuss which might work best for you.

Webcam Counselling

How Webcam Works

When you choose webcam counselling, we'll be online together at the same time. You can decide whether to use a webcam so we can see and hear each other, or opt for audio-only, similar to a telephone conversation.

Our sessions will be conducted through an encrypted platform using Zoom or VSee, both of which are highly secure and easy to download on your phone, tablet, or PC.

Webcam counselling closely resembles face-to-face sessions, as it allows us to see and hear each other simultaneously. This method helps us pick up on both verbal and non-verbal cues, enhancing the effectiveness of the counselling process.

Instant Messaging

How Instant Messaging (chat) Works

When you choose instant messaging for your counselling sessions, we'll be online together, engaging in real-time chat through VSee or Zoom. These apps are easy to download and use on your phone, tablet, or PC.

Although we won't see or hear each other, instant messaging offers a more interactive experience than email, allowing us to respond to each other in real time. This immediacy helps create a stronger sense of connection, similar to face-to-face counselling.

Additionally, you'll have a written record of our session, which you can review anytime you need

Email Counselling

How Email Counselling Works

Email counselling offers you the flexibility to express your thoughts and feelings at your own pace, whenever it feels right for you. Whether you write during a difficult moment, when your mind is clear, or during a quiet time in your day, email counselling adapts to your needs.

Painful thoughts and feelings can often become stuck in our minds and bodies, leading to stress, anxiety, depression, and other difficulties. For many, writing can be an easier way to express these emotions than speaking face-to-face. Writing can be incredibly cathartic, often providing a sense of relief both when composing and sending your email to your counsellor. This method helps you to articulate what is happening in your life, whether it is a current issue causing pain and distress or a past event you wish to process within a safe and trusting space.

The insights and validation from receiving a therapeutic response can be powerful, which you can read at your convenience. The written exchanges can be kept for your reference, allowing you to revisit the therapeutic responses as needed. Many clients find it beneficial to re-read their emails and responses to reflect on their progress over time.

How It Works:

You will be guided in how to set up a secure email account and agreement will be made between us on the dates emails are to be sent and received each week, for example: it might be agreed that your email is sent to me by Monday at 5pm and I would commit to responding back to you by Thursday at 5pm.

Writing Your Email: Write and send your email at your own pace - aim for around 800 words.

Receiving a Response: I will spend at least an hour on my therapeutic response, ensuring thoughtful and detailed feedback. I use an encrypted email service – Protonmail - to ensure your privacy.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Email counselling allows you to write in the privacy of your own home or private space, giving you time to think about what you want to say. It also allows more time to read and process therapeutic responses, with a written record of each interaction.

If you decide to engage in email counselling, I will send you further information on how our sessions will work as well as some ideas on how to get started.

Imagery representing poetry on nature, reflecting the therapeutic approach of Anita Jones, Heart & Soul Counselling in King’s Lynn.
A single tree with birds flying overhead, symbolizing freedom and serenity in the context of Anita Jones' Heart & Soul Counselling in King’s Lynn.

My Approach

As an integrative counsellor, I draw from various therapeutic approaches to create a tailored experience that best suits your unique needs and preferences. This means our work together isn't confined to a single method, but instead flexibly combines different techniques to support your personal growth and healing.

For you as a client, this integrative approach offers several benefits. It provides a personalised therapy experience that adapts to your individual needs and goals. You'll have access to a wider range of tools and techniques for self-discovery and problem-solving. Furthermore, we have the flexibility to shift approaches as your needs evolve throughout our work together.

My practice primarily blends Person-Centred, Psychodynamic, and Psycho-Spiritual therapies, creating a holistic approach that addresses various aspects of your well-being.

Person-Centred Therapy forms the foundation of our work. It's built on the belief that given the right conditions, every individual can grow and thrive. As your counsellor, I strive to create an honest, non-judgmental, and accepting environment where you lead the way at your own pace.

Psychodynamic elements allow us to explore how past experiences might be influencing your present. By bringing unconscious patterns into awareness, we can work together to understand and transform repeating themes in your life.

A collection of leaves, symbolizing renewal and change, associated with Anita Jones' Heart & Soul Counselling in King’s Lynn.
A field of wildflowers, symbolizing natural beauty and resilience, linked to Anita Jones' Heart & Soul Counselling in King’s Lynn.

Psycho-Spiritual Counselling recognises you as a whole person - mind, body, and spirit. This approach emphasises your unique journey, helping you explore deeper questions of meaning and purpose. It's grounded in compassion and our shared humanity, focusing on your individual experiences and reality.

Throughout our work together, my aim is to provide a safe, nurturing space where you can explore, grow, and find your own path to healing and self-understanding.

A field of wildflowers, symbolizing natural beauty and resilience, linked to Anita Jones' Heart & Soul Counselling in King’s Lynn.

Online Working Agreement

To ensure clarity and maintain professional standards, I work with an online agreement. This document outlines our commitment to each other, covering aspects like confidentiality, session structure, and ethical practices. You will receive the full agreement once you have contacted me.

Remember, my goal is to provide a safe, supportive space for you to explore, heal, and grow. Whether you're dealing with specific issues or seeking general personal development, I'm here to walk alongside you on your journey.

Ready to take the first step? Contact me today to begin your path towards healing and self-discovery.

A pathway leading toward the sun, lined with flowers, symbolizing the healing journey with Anita Jones at Heart & Soul Counselling in King’s Lynn.

Supervision - Nurturing New Counsellors

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I'll meet you there" - Rumi

As an experienced counsellor, I'm passionate about supporting the next generation of therapists. As a Placement Supervisor, I offer supervision to students on placement and those newly qualified, creating a safe space to explore client work, develop professional identity, and refine therapeutic skills.

Drawing from my experience in counselling and education, we'll work together to reflect on your practice, navigate ethical dilemmas, and build your confidence. Whether you're tackling challenging cases or seeking to understand your own responses, I'm here to support your journey.

My goal is to help you become not just a skilled practitioner, but a reflective and compassionate one. If you're seeking a supervisor who will champion your growth while ensuring ethical practice, let's connect and discuss how we can nurture your development as a counsellor.

Contact me

Thank you for considering Heart and Soul Counselling. Taking this step towards healing and self-discovery is a courageous act, and I, Anita Jones, am here to support you on your journey.

Please contact me by simply filling out the contact form.

Whether you're ready to book a session or just have questions about my services, I'm here to listen. Your journey towards healing and self-understanding starts with this simple step of reaching out. I look forward to the possibility of working with you. Whatever you decide to do next, I wish you well.

Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. I'm honoured that you're considering allowing me to be part of your journey.